Monday, October 1, 2012

I don't really like Mondays.

Monday gets a bad rap. No one really likes him (Monday is a male in my head). Poor guy. It's not his fault he's the first day back to reality after the weekend. But I've never really had a problem with Monday. I'm okay with getting up in the morning. I don't mind going to work. Monday is fine by me.

But not today.

Monday went all wrong for me today.  You see, I rely on two buses to get me to work. It usually takes about 40-45 minutes. That's fine, because I'm used to it, and it gives me time to read. Plus, it's actually quicker than the train.
But this morning, it was anything but quick. My first bus was 20 minutes late. Which meant that (because I get there about 10 minutes early, just in case) I was at the stop for half an hour. I was kind of okay with it though, because that bus only comes every 15 minutes, so I'm used to waiting for it. Plus, I still managed to get to the second bus stop by 8:35, so I figured I would make it in time.
This might be a good place to pause and explain that I seriously hate being late to anything. As in, I go out of my way to avoid it. As in, I plan well and I set loads of alarms.
And don't ask me why I never set my alarms
for regular times. I just don't.

So I'm waiting at the second bus stop expecting the bus to arrive any minute (because one comes every 8 minutes). And I'm waiting...and waiting...and waiting.
At this point, it's been 15 minutes, so I follow the instructions on the sign and text to find out when the next one is arriving. The reply says it will be another 13 minutes. What?? Not okay. I realize that there is no way I'll make it to work on time. Not only that, but I'm going to be seriously late.
Then I realize that I have no way of getting ahold of anyone from work to let them know what's going on. I semi-panic for about three minutes, and then text my housemate, begging her to look up the number for my workplace (because I don't have it, and since I spent a whopping £4 on my British phone, it doesn't have Internet capabilities). She heroically gets back to me with the number, and I call and let them know I'll be late. They're already well aware of this, as it's currently two minutes past when I'm supposed to be there, and I'm still standing at the bus stop. But at least I told them.

Finally, the bus arrives, and I get to work 30 minutes late. So I left my house at 7:40 and didn't get to work till 9:35. It was a super frustrating experience.

The point is, I don't really like Mondays anymore. At least not Monday mornings.
Hope your Monday went more smoothly than mine. 

1 comment:

  1. to all readers, note the irregularness of the alarms in the picture! theres no round minutes!!
